Friday 25 September 2015


This week I had my induction week, this was to prepare us for the upcoming three years and also to give us an insight in the course before we start. We did many class activities to help get to know each other and lectures about the course and university facilities. We also had workshops from Illamasqua and Kryolan which were amazing. Here were my three favourite activities from induction week..

Illamasqua lecture and workshop

My highlight of the week was definitely the Illamasqua lecture and workshop. I have always been so passionate and interested about the company so to hear about it from someone who has worked with them since it started was brilliant.
Spob O'Brien the Head of Professional Development was an inspiration, she told us about the company and how it started back in 2008. She also talked about her freelance jobs working on James Bond and other successful films.
They then went on to show us a recent makeup they had done for a shoot inspired by the Festival of Colour in India. They said they wanted to make the eyes stand out and a bright colour down the middle of the face. They wanted to keep the skin dewy and wet.
They also showed us a brand new product named 'broken gold' which looked like an eyeliner but created a foiled look. They used this on top of the bright colours on the eye.
I learnt a lot of facts about the company and a few new techniques including how to glue eyebrows into place ready to either be blocked out or just to make them look bushy and natural. Another technique I picked up on is that she used a fluffy brush to do the foundation with which she achieved a flawless base with. I found this interesting as I'd normally only ever use this type of brush for powder. Both of the artists inspired me so much, they definitely made me want to work to the best of my ability and become as successful as them.

Kryolan Lecture

The Kryolan Lecture was also really good and I feel like I learnt a lot about the industry and how hard you have to work to get your foot in the door. Gemma talked about how she has came from doing work experience to being in the Kryolan Pro team which is amazing. She explained about all the different products in our kit and how they were best used. She then did a beauty makeup demo inspired by Kim Kardashian. She reminded us about hygiene and professionalism when working on a client which I know is really important. I think the most important thing I learnt is that being a makeup artist is not going to be a 9-5 job and it will have its positives and negatives. I am looking forward to using the different kryolan products especially the Aqua colour as I have never used it before.

'If I could I would'
Another highlight of my week was getting to know the other girls through a task we were set in the summer. We were to design a mood board based around the title 'If I could I would'. This was to show where we wanted to be in 5 years. It was really interesting to see where each person dreamed of being and how different everyone's plans were. It was also nice to see everyone's mood boards and the different designs of them. I like the fact you could already see peoples own style through their work. I chose to use black card for mine and to reflect my own personality I chose to cover my background in little details, this is what I do when doing a makeup, I focus on detail maybe a little too much and I tend to be a perfectionist. On my mood board I wanted to be realistic and focus on the fact 5 years time is not a long time at all. I talked about how I'd like to gain more experience and work on fashion shows and in retail. I also talked about how I wanted to find my own signature style and figure out what my passion is. My ultimate dream is to open my own Makeup salon/school where people can come to get there makeup done and also come for lessons. To reach this goal I have a lot of work to do and a lot of experience to gain therefore I didn't mention it on my mood board as I don't want to put all my focus into that in the next 5 years.